Tuesday, December 16, 2014

1935 Harlem Riots

The Harlem Riots of 1935 was triggered by a small event that never really happened the way it was rumored to have gone down.  A 12 year old Lino Rivera was caught stealing a piece of candy, he was arrested and allegedly beaten.  Rumors them began to spread thag Rivera was publicly beat and killed by a police officer. This sparked an emotional response from the misinformed people, but the misinformation was not the problem, the problem was blacks not being offered jobs at retail stores they can shop at because of the color of their skin. No job equals no money, which leads to housing problems and issues with providing for the family. This rumor was just the last straw that broke the camels back and let loose a flood of emotions, it was what was needed for the people to react to the problems they felt were unjust.

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